
Monday, June 6, 2011

NFC Payments Europe June 13-14 in London

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Overcome barriers to commercial rollout at Europe’s first ever event focused on successful and scalable NFC payment solutions

The NFC payments space is hotting up, key deals between financial institutions and MNO’s are being made, standards are set, and with large tech players such as Google and Apple are making announcements, It’s clear now is the time to move…

NFC Payments Europe conference and Exhibition has been developed to offer you a clear path to develop NFC payments as a commercial proposition and to provide you with the contacts your business needs to do this.
The event will:
  • Unravel interoperability between banks and MNOS’s - hear frank discussions on who has the power and how these two key parties can work together to move the market forward
  • Move beyond the pilot, and gain real case studies - examine how MNO’s and banks have worked together to actually deliver NFC payment services on a commercial level, avoid pitfalls and map out successful strategies.
  • Look across country divides - see how European counterparts have successfully signed agreements and rolled out initial stages of commercial payment schemes
  • Get to grips with the business case for each player in the ecosystem - see how all players can carve out strong profit strategies and map out a workable and profitable roadmap for 2011 and beyond
And more key insights on who owns the consumer, SIM vs Handset, NFC security, international transfers and the future benefits and possible NFC rollouts.

The event will launch in earlier 2011 so check this website again soon for updated information. Or to be the first to receive the full conference brochure and benefit from special early bird discounts Request more information now!
This is the only event in Europe to unite Banks, Payments, Mobile Operators, Handsets providers and chip providers all intent on unleashing the industry’s rich profit potential.
We’re currently working on the agenda for this event and we’d be keen to hear your ideas for topics and speakers. Get in contact now and you’ll be able to play a part in shaping of this unique event. Please email with your ideas for topics and speakers.