
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Advertise on ePayment News

Why Advertise on ePayment News? 

ePayments News is a content rich, comprehensive online information portal designed to keep payments and banking industry professionals informed throughout the day with frequent delivery of the latest news and developments that matter most.

Why is Payment News the Best Online Marketing Resource for the Payments Industry?
Put Simply: We've been doing it since 2005 and we outrank many other Payment Industry News sites on Alexa. That means we get more hits. and our traffic is constantly growing.  That means more value for your advertising dollar.  Oh, one more reason.  When you advertise with ePayment News your company will get more value for your money.  Why is that?  Your ads will also run on our sister site, which provides breaking payment industry news 24 hours per day.  There are more reasons:  

• ePayment News delivers exceptional value by providing daily news, headlines, and features selected from myriad breaking news stories at absolutely no cost to readers.
• ePayment News acts as an independent unbiased independent source as we continually monitor the payments and banking industries. Starting with the PIN (Payments Industry News) Debit Blog, we have actively published industry related stories since 2007.  
• ePayments News delivers extensive breaking news, as well as unique content, analysis, views, and shared research to create an information rich community designed for payments and banking professionals, technology providers, investors, and members of the media. 
• ePayment New engages the industry by offering a powerful open platform that allows industry-leading professionals to engage directly with the market by sharing commentary and content related to company and product developments.
• ePayment News offers organized and readily searchable content, making it an excellent reference for anyone seeking information on a broad range of payment and banking related topics. 
• ePayment News provides this content free of charge as a service to banking and payment professionals and stakeholder s, allowing our advertisers  to easily  reach a highly qualified group of professionals that have buying power

Advertising on ePayment News provides tremendous business-to-business brand visibility.

We encourage you to leverage the unrivaled value of ePayment News and contribute to 
the success of your business!  For more information please email: 

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Ranked 5 Times Higher on Alexa...Costs Four Times Less