
Friday, July 8, 2011

Infographic: The Future of Mobile Payments

From Mashable:  Professional community service G+ decided to look deeper into mobile payment trends and created an infographic that tracks what experts and analysts believe will happen to mobile commerce in the next four years, including what will happen with near field communication (NFC). G+ also compared some of the current players in the mobile payment space.
Check out the infographic below, but first, keep in mind that smart or not, phones are inherently insecure.  The infographic is great but with 670 Billion in mobile money transactions expected by 2015, don't "unexpect" hackers to fully concentrate their efforts in getting a big piece of that pie.  Enter NFC Data.  They have introduced Sqwizz to fully secure every NFC transaction via an encrypted PIN Pad and biometric scanner.  Sure you can start your car with your phone, but wouldn't it make more sense to verify you are the car owner through a quick biometric scan first?  Sure, it's convenient to pay with your smartphone, but doesn't it make more sense to do it over an encrypted platform which verifies you are the one who actually wants to conduct the transaction?  The biometric scanner verifies your identity and activates the secure 3DES DUKPT Encrypted PIN Pad which requests your PIN.  Enter it and Sqwizz protected your hard earned cash from the hackers.  
For more information on Sqwizz, visit or email me.

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