
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Report: NFC Best Secured by Biometrics

Smartphones, Biometrics and NFC Transform Payments and Web Authentication

Global Information Inc. sponsored a market research report, "Authentication at the Edge: NFC, Smartphones, and a New Model for Payments Confidence" published by Mercator Advisory Group.

How will smartphone, near field communication (NFC) and biometrics transform the world of payments and web authentication? Mercator Advisory Group explores this critical question in their latest report.

Smartphones equipped with NFC technology are on the near-term horizon, which will enable millions of U.S. smartphone users to utilize new security features on their devices, such as PIN entry to particular applications, fingerprint reading and more. NFC-equipped smartphones will provide new security and fraud mitigation possibilities for payment accountholders, financial institutions, government, merchants and other enterprises.
George Peabody, Director of Emerging Technologies Advisory Service at Mercator, points out "authentication is the heart of payments and online security. Smartphones with hardware-based security capability, especially via NFC and fingerprint readers, will give consumers, enterprise users, and the government unprecedented control over their payment and security interactions."

The new report examines the potential of the smartphone device in security applications as it evolves to include hardware-based security through NFC, NFC's Secure Element card number storage in additions to potential biometric applications.

Companies mentioned in this 29-page report include:

Broadcom, Apple, Isis, AT&T, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, Discover, Barclaycard, Gemalto, Giesecke & Devrient, AisleBuyer, Facebook, Amazon, Google, SK Telecom, First Data, CASSIS International, TSYS, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Microsoft, Prime Sense, Omnicom, Barbarian Group, Cheil Worldwide), and Razorfish, Publicis, ID-U Biometrics, Disney, Blue Planet Apps, Bank of America, and INSIDE Secur.

For more information on this report click (or copy and paste) the link below or email