
Monday, October 24, 2011

NFC could cover one-third of the globe by 2015

ZDNet By Rachel King | October 24, 2011, 11:25am PDT

Summary: NFC is just in its infancy, but one of the potential powers behind mobile payments could be readily available many places in a few years.
That trickle could turn into a waterfall by 2015 as market intelligence firm In-Stat reports that NFC chip shipments will rack up to 1.2 billion in four years, with the potential to be available around nearly a third (30 percent) of the globe in the same time frame. Near field communications (NFC) has been a hot topic this year, particularly when it comes to mobile payments. NFC has the power to enable this feature on smartphones, and we’re starting to see it trickle out on devices.  read more