
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

VeriFone's H5000 Hybrid Offers NFC Acceptance

VeriFone Announces H5000 Hybrid Countertop Payment Solution with Integrated Card and NFC Acceptance

Successor to Hypercom Artema Hybrid Features Color Screen and Graphical User Interface
SAN JOSE, Calif. & BAD HERSFELD, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--VeriFone Systems, Inc., (NYSE: PAY) today introduced the H5000, a countertop payment solution that accommodates multiple payment types, including legacy magnetic stripe, EMV chip as well as contactless transaction with a single hybrid card slot and integrated NFC/contactless reader.
“The system delivers the fastest transaction time in the German market, accelerating the check out process in multiple environments, including multi-lane configuration, as a stand-alone device or connected to a cash register system.”
As successor to the Hypercom Artema Hybrid -- the most successful payment solution in the German market -- the H5000 represents the first major enhancement of a Hypercom system since VeriFone completed its acquisition of that company August 4, 2011. The all-in-one solution incorporates PIN pad and an optional printer and features a color screen and graphical user interface for fast and easy use as well as value-added-services.
“The H5000 takes integrated payment capabilities to a whole new level and builds on the success of the Artema Hybrid, which has hundreds of thousands of installations in the German market alone,” said Adam Biedrzycki, VeriFone vice president, Central Europe. “The system delivers the fastest transaction time in the German market, accelerating the check out process in multiple environments, including multi-lane configuration, as a stand-alone device or connected to a cash register system.”
The H5000 is offered as a stand-alone-version or together with VeriFone's PAYware TCS central management system. This software enables Network Service Providers (NSPs) and retailers better control over their payment device estate as well as reduced operating costs. Furthermore, PAYware TCS makes it easier to adapt to future innovative payment and NFC-based value added services, as well as to expand into new international markets.
The icon-based intuitive user interface and touch screen makes the H5000 easy for customers to use and highly suited to on-screen advertising opportunities at the point of service. The system utilized a powerful 32-bit ARM11 400MHz processor and the Linux operating system, enabling developers to create value-added applications for new and existing merchants quickly.
Early availability is scheduled for the first calendar quarter of 2012, with general availability expected in the second quarter.
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