Finextra: The group say that by joining together they can provide all Swedes, contract and pre-paid, with a range of payment services from next summer. All mobile operators will have the same product, making it easy for customers switching providers, while using a single counterparty offers greater security and less administration, says a brief statement. In June, Telia Denmark, TDC, Telenor Denmark and 3 Denmark formed a joint company to develop a common platform for NFC m-payments. The Scandinavian projects are following a similar model being employed by telcos in the US, under the Isis brand, and in the UK by Everything Everywhere, Telefonica and Vodafone.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Swedish Telco's to Form NFC Mobile Joint Venture
According to Finextra, Mobile operators Telia, Tele2, Telenor and 3 have formed a Swedish m-payments joint venture.