
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Verizon taking a media beating over Google Wallet, plays coy about its intentions with regards to Isis

NFC Rumors:  Well, it finally started - Verizon is being called to task about their position on Google Wallet and allowing consumers to use whichever services they want on their NFC smartphones. If you are a regular here at NFC Rumors, you will know we haven't been keen about how Isis members have treated NFC and NFC services for consumers. However, the Galaxy Nexus has taken this industry known issue into the main gadget media today as consumers start to ask "can I use Google Wallet on the Galaxy Nexus?" The answer is no and Verizon are throwing mud in different directions to try and relieve themselves of any blame, and what they are saying is probably not true. Ah, PR departments. You have to love 'em.

This post was originally written by NFC Rumors.