
Monday, June 25, 2012

Mobile Payments Could Be a Gold Mine, but Need a Jump Start With Consumers

Mobile Payments Could Be a Gold Mine, but Need a Jump Start With ...

Marketers Need a Program of Education and Incentives to Promote a System That's Confusing to Use

Mobile payments are touted as the next big thing in marketing. Brands can instantly access an individual customer's in-store purchase data and serve up targeted deals. The customer pays simply by holding up his smartphone to the checkout scanner -- no digging into the wallet for a credit card, dollar bills or, heaven forbid, loose change.  The Yankee Group estimates that the worldwide transaction value of mobile payments will total nearly $1 trillion by 2014, up from $162 billion in 2010. But then why does it seem that the only people using it are customers purchasing their their double-caffe skinny lattes at Starbucks?