
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gemalto Whitepaper: What Keeps CIO's Awake at Night?

Whitepaper: What keeps CIOs awake at night?

Prevailing trends in technology would suggest that maintaining control of IT security is becoming an ever more difficult task for CIOs. With the vast majority of the workforce now likely to be IT literate, everyone from junior executives to Chief Execs will have their own views on what activities are and are not secure.
They are operating in a fast changing environment with data resources moving into the cloud, employees coming to work armed with their own tablets and smartphones and high-profile network breaches moving IT security to the top of the agenda.
We wanted to see how CIOs were reacting to this new set of challenges and how we might be able to respond to their changing needs. So we talked to 100 of the most senior IT leaders in five different areas (The US, UK, France, Germany and the Nordics) and asked them how they handle security.
What we found was a mixed picture: a group which was concerned by recent high-profile data breaches, grappling to come to terms with BYOD but still positive about embracing emerging technologies. They are also still mindful of cost in an environment where many will continue to face budget reductions and are being instructed to do 'more with less'. We turned the results into a whitepaper which provides insight into the security decisions on the horizon for some of the world's most senior IT personnel.

To download the whitepaper please fill in the following form.

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