
Friday, August 3, 2012

NFC: What Lies Beyond Contactless Payments | Forrester Blogs

Blogs2 new results for NFC Mobile Payment

NFC: What Lies Beyond Contactless Payments | Forrester Blogs
Image representing Forrester Research as depic...
Image via CrunchBase
By Thomas Husson
The key long-term driver for NFC technology is that it can enable many new product and service experiences beyond just mobile contactless payments. The list of new use cases is long: convenient transport experiences; next-generation ...

Forrester Blogs
Finextra: Google Wallet moves to the cloud to support all credit and ...
Launched a little over a year ago, Google Wallet was hyped as the service that would jump-start the NFC mobile payments revolution but takeup has been sluggish. Although security concerns have played a part, the main reason for the tepid ...
Finextra Research Payments channel