Sunday, August 16, 2009

Keep On Typing

Viruses, Malware and Botnet Zombies at an all time high

Editor's Note: Financial Transactions CANNOT be done on the web because the "wicked web" hackers weaved have made it unsafe. HomeATM is "hands down" doin' it right, by doin' outside the browser.

You would think the information below would alarm people. You would think the information below would paint a picture that the web is not safe. You would think that. Wouldn't you?

The conjunction of technologies and the monetizing of hacking have
resulted in a web environment where
no websites, legitimate or not can
be trusted

Spam volumes have increased 141
percent since March, continuing the longest streak of increasing spam
volumes ever, according to McAfee's Q2 Threats Report. The report also
highlights the dramatic expansion of botnets and the threat from
Auto-Run malware.

  • The number of viruses sent over email has increased by 300 per cent in the last three months, according to Network Box. 

Analysis of Internet threats in July 2009 shows the number of viruses is at its highest so far this year, peaking at around 12 viruses per customer per hour.

than 14 million computers have been enslaved by cybercriminal botnets,
a 16 percent increase over last quarter’s rise. The report confirmed
McAfee’s first quarter prediction that the surge in botnet growth would
send spam levels to new heights, surpassing their previous peak in
October 2008 before the takedown of the spam-hosting ISP McColo.

  • McAfee researchers also found that, over the course of 30 days, Auto-Run malware had infected more than 27 million files. 

Auto-Run malware, which exploits
Windows’ Auto-Run capabilities, does not require any user clicks to
activate, and is most often spread through portable USB and storage
devices. The rate of detection surpasses even that of the infamous Conficker worm by 400 percent, making Auto-Run the number one piece of malware detected around the world.

Botnets (also called zombie armies or
drone armies) are networks of compromised computers infected with
viruses or malware to turn them into “zombies” or “robots” – computers
that can be controlled without the owners’ knowledge. Criminals use the
collective computing power and connected bandwidth of these
externally-controlled networks for malicious purposes and criminal
activities, including, inter alia, generation of spam e-mails,
launching of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, alteration
or destruction of data, and identity theft.

  • Fourteen million additional computers have been turned into botnets or this quarter.

  • That
    averages to more than 150,000 computers infected every day, or 20
    percent of the personal computers bought daily (Source: Gartner 2009).

As the number of bots continues to
grow, malware writers have begun to offer malicious software as a
service to those who control botnets. By exchanging or selling
resources, cybercriminals distribute new malware to wider audiences
instantaneously. Programs like Zeus - an easy-to-use Trojan creation
tool - continue to make the creation and management of malware even

I hate having to "type cast"...but
anyone and everyone who types their card numbers into a box on a
website will have those numbers swiped.

If Your Card Data is Going to Be Swiped, Shouldn't You be Doing the Swiping?

, , , , ,

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Type Casting for Dollars

I Want You to Stop Typing!  It's in your best interest.  Google "banklogin for sale" and you'll start to see why it makes so much more sense to "swipe vs. type" 

Want to make the list?  Keep on Typin'

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Aug 12, 2009

It's the Typing Stupid!
Nothing Phishy About PCI 2.0 Certified "Card Present 2FA"
(; Online Banking's Innate Security Flaws
(; 3DES, DUKPT & E2EE Explained

Jul 28, 2009

What was that line Clinton used to win the presidency? "It's the economy stupid!" Well here's my version...It's the "typing" stupid! Can I get anymore simplistic? Yes, I can name that tune in three words: "Swipe...Don't Type!" ...

Aug 02, 2009

What's so hard to understand that it's the stupid typing
of their passwords, usernames, card numbers, this new "PAM" garbage,
etc. that is the root of the problem. So the NEW system now asks you to
type, even more of your information ...

Jul 28, 2009

(see "Both Sides of the Mouth Syndrome) or "It's the Typing Stupid!"
“PaySecure is one of those rare emerging payment methods that satisfy
the needs of consumers, merchants, and financial institutions,” said
Ashish Bahl, CEO of Acculynk ...

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