Global Payments Asia-Pacific Limited ("Global Payments") was recently named by MasterCard Worldwide as its Top Processing Partner for the Global WebPay(TM) product that leverages the MasterCard Internet Gateway Service (MiGS) for online card processing. Global Payments was chosen from more than 69 bankcard acquirers that use MasterCard's Internet gateway today across Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa.
Global Payments' win is attributed to Global WebPay's unique solution that provides online merchants with the capability to process multi-country, multi-sales channel and mult-currency card transactions. The Global WebPay product offers merchants a Web-based user interface to integrate their online stores, call centers and IVR sales through a single connection. This single interface requires minimal integration which significantly reduces operating costs and allows merchants to seamlessly integrate all their card-not-present transactions across multiple jurisdictions in Asia.
Global WebPay is currently available in 9 Asian markets: Hong Kong, Brunei, India, Malaysia, the Maldives, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Taiwan. This product offers online merchants more than 50 transaction currencies and ten payment currencies, thereby allowing merchants to receive funding in local Asian currencies and minimize forex related costs.