MUMBAI: HDFC Bank on Tuesday said it has implemented layered components of the RSA Identity Protection and Verification Suite which would help it provide a comprehensive fraud prevention platform for its online customers.
The implementation has resulted in 60 per cent reduction in phishing attacks, increased customer confidence and acceleration of enhanced online banking features.
“Phishing, pharming and trojan attacks are increasing in India as online banking becomes more popular. Our customers are also aware of these threats, so we needed to ensure we could offer them a secured platform that can protect their personal credential s and financial assets. Customer satisfaction is our top priority and RSA provided us with the necessary balance of online security and user convenience,” HDFC Bank's Chief Information Officer, Mr Anil Jaggia, said.
The bank has deployed RSA's Adaptive Authentication which includes the visible component of site-to-user authentication to provide its customers with convenient online protection through the use of a personal security image and caption to verify the legi timacy of the bank's Web site. - PTI