In the last two weeks, it should have become clear to everyone that Web Security is shot and online banking authentication, including One-Time Passwords (OTC's) and Transaction Authorization Numbers (TANs) needs to be.
40% more consumers are afraid to enter their personal details into web sites than last year, phishing has graduated to Trojans, no website is safe and we're still typing. Meanwhile, Hackers have created "real-time" Keylogging...meaning that even if we "create temporary numeric passwords that get changed each minute, the probelm is that the hacker/attacker now gets the same password immediately." Nice!
Below are links which review some of the posts that cover recent "uncoverings."
If he you have the time, read them and you'll be as convinced as I am that we need to stop typing and start swiping.
40% more consumers are afraid to enter their personal details into web sites than last year, phishing has graduated to Trojans, no website is safe and we're still typing. Meanwhile, Hackers have created "real-time" Keylogging...meaning that even if we "create temporary numeric passwords that get changed each minute, the probelm is that the hacker/attacker now gets the same password immediately." Nice!
Below are links which review some of the posts that cover recent "uncoverings."
If he you have the time, read them and you'll be as convinced as I am that we need to stop typing and start swiping.
Older to Newer: Recent PIN Payments News posts Regarding Web and Online Banking Insecurity