"We are very pleased and proud to have earned PCI's compliance for data security," said Pankaj Kumar, chief technology officer for Ignify. "Fraud remains the number one security concern for online retailers as techniques for misappropriating secured customer data becomes ever more sophisticated. Ignify's ability to conduct online transactions without ever needing to store sensitive information like credit card or PIN numbers offers our retail partners and the customers they serve a strong sense of comfort."
PCI's PA-DSS standard is the organizations managed program formerly under the supervision of the Visa Inc. program known as the Payment Application Best Practices (PABP). The goal of PA-DSS is to help software vendors and others develop secure payment applications that do not store prohibited data, such as full magnetic stripe, CVV2 or PIN data, and ensure their payment applications support compliance with the PCI DSS. Payment applications that are sold, distributed or licensed to third parties are subject to the PA-DSS requirements. In-house payment applications developed by merchants or service providers that are not sold to a third party are not subject to the PA-DSS requirements, but must still be secured in accordance with the PCI DSS.
"From its inception, Ignify eCommerce has been designed with data security as a top priority and this acknowledgement from the PCI Security Standards Council reflects our continued commitment to our customers," added Ignify's Director of eCommerce Operations, Ranjit Goray.
Ignify eCommerce 4.0 is an end-to-end online storefront and business commerce platform. This leading solution offers several refined features including: advanced heuristic fraud detection, real-time reporting and Google analytics, and a unique marketing & promotions module allowing administrators and marketing staff to deliver promotions, edit coupons and mark discounts all on-the-fly from a simple easy to understand dashboard. In addition, Ignify eCommerce 4.0 is the leading online web store and e-commerce solution for Microsoft Dynamics ERP and has been deployed at over 200 sites including: McDonalds Corporation, Aerosoles, Giant Bicycles and the Atlanta Falcons and Dallas Cowboys NFL teams among many others.
About Ignify
Ignify is a privately-held ISO 9001 certified company focused on the mid-market and enterprise business space for ERP, CRM and eCommerce implementations. The company provides design, consulting and implementation services for ERP, CRM initiatives for mid-market and enterprise businesses. Ignify is a Top-tier Microsoft Gold Certified partner ranked in both the Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle and the Microsoft Dynamics Presidents Club in 2009. Ignify offers a comprehensive set of Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Consumer (B2C) eCommerce solutions for increasing online sales while lowering overall operation costs. Ignify has offices in Los Angeles, Silicon Valley, Nashville, Chicago, Toronto, Manila, Pune and Bangalore.