Cloud Computing Not as Safe as They Want You to Think
Help Net Security reports that the recent Google attack showed us "that the cloud is still uncharted territory, with enemies behind every rock. Until we know exactly what to expect, we should refrain from going forth."
Cloud computing has been touted as the perfect solution for our increasingly mobile life-style - everything we need is always online and always accessible.
The occasional warnings from security professionals about the need to ascertain the safety of the information in the cloud were taken in stride and responded with a too easily given avowal: "Trust us. It's safe. We have experts that will resolve any problem."
The latest attack on Googleproves that no matter how many times one repeats the "It's safe" mantra, it won't make it so. Mike Elgan thinks that it's time to stop and reevaluate this "headlong rush into the cloud".
The Google incident showed us that the cloud is still uncharted territory, with enemies behind every rock. Until we know exactly what to expect, we should refrain from going forth.