micropass® 6000 Platform Serving as “Reference Chipset” for Interoperability Testing
“INSIDE is proud of its work in developing the Interac Flash specification and application, and we are confident that our MicroPass-based solution will receive full approval from Interac Association in the coming months to power cards next year”
The Scotiabank debit cards use INSIDE’s micropass® 6008 dual-interface payment microprocessor with the resident Interac Flash application, allowing cardholders to pay using the contact or new contactless interface to make everyday Interac purchases. Interac Association is using the INSIDE micropass® 6000 platform as the “reference chipset” to perform in-market testing and to prepare the payment ecosystem for national rollout of Interac Flash next year.
INSIDE has been working closely with Interac Association on the creation of Interac Flash, a next-generation contactless payment enhancement for the Canadian marketplace, and developed the Interac Flash application running on the micropass® 6000 dual-interface platform.
“INSIDE is proud of its work in developing the Interac Flash specification and application, and we are confident that our MicroPass-based solution will receive full approval from Interac Association in the coming months to power cards next year,” said Rémy de Tonnac, CEO of INSIDE Contactless. “We look forward to our continued work with Interac Association during the in-market transaction phase, and with card manufacturers and issuers within the Interac Flash ecosystem.”
“Interac Flash enhances the functionality of Interac Direct Payment by giving Canadian consumers the ability to carry out a point-of-sale debit transaction using either the contact or contactless features of the card,” said Mark O’Connell, president and CEO of Interac Association. “Interac Association will continue to develop and implement new and unique features and products to meet the needs of Canadians and the marketplace.”
Interac Association, a recognized leader in debit payments, is responsible for the development and operations of the Interac network, the trusted national payment network that allows Canadians to access their money through automated banking machines and point-of-sale terminals across Canada. Interac Flash builds on the security of EMV standards, existing chip debit infrastructure, strong consumer protections and other features unique to Interac Association.
The multi-application micropass® 6008 intelligent payment processor is a dual-interface platform supporting both ISO 14443-B contactless and ISO 7816 contact protocols. It features a fast, low-power, 16-bit proprietary RISC microprocessor, an advanced native operating system, a multi-application architecture, optimized hardware computing resources, and proven data management support capabilities.
About INSIDE Contactless
INSIDE Contactless leads the market in open-standard contactless innovation. The company has delivered more than 400 million contactless platforms worldwide, and its contactless payment and Near Field Communication (NFC) solutions power the next generation of payment, transit, identity and access control applications. INSIDE’s work in contactless standards and its 69 families of patents, including essential NFC patents, play a leading role in establishing industry direction. INSIDE is headquartered in Aix-en-Provence, France, with offices in Paris, Shanghai, Singapore, Warsaw, Seoul and San Francisco. For more information, please visit www.insidecontactless.com.
® Interac and Interac Flash are trademarks of Interac Inc. Used under license.
EMV™ is a trademark of EMVCo LLC.
For INSIDE Contactless
Corman Communications, LLC
Patrick Corman, 650-326-9648
INSIDE Contactless
Geraldine Sauniere, Marcom Director, +33 (0) 4 42 39 33 01
Corman Communications, LLC
Patrick Corman, 650-326-9648
INSIDE Contactless
Geraldine Sauniere, Marcom Director, +33 (0) 4 42 39 33 01
Permalink: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20100617005979/en/Contactless-Dual-Interface-Processor-Interac-Flash-Enabled-Debit-Cards