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LOS ANGELES, July 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- payvia, Inc. announced today the launch of its next generation mobile payments platform and latest direct carrier billing agreements with Sprint and T-Mobile USA. Beginning today, payvia merchants can now accept mobile payments powered by payvia carrier billing.
payvia enables consumers to use their mobile phone to purchase digital goods and services online or from their mobile device, adding purchases directly to their carrier bill. payvia works with merchants and developers to integrate a customized smart checkout experience.
With its patented mobile payments and authentication systems, payvia delivers a secure and convenient payment option that helps merchants attract more paying customers. payvia takes the complexity out of carrier billing and transforms the mobile payments landscape with fast, consistent and reliable settlements -- all while ensuring the best in user authentication and fraud prevention.
"We are excited to unveil our new mobile payments solution delivering a convenient payment option that complements merchant checkouts to reduce abandoned transactions, increase conversions and deliver more paying customers," said Darcy Wedd, President of payvia. "As we round out our remaining carrier partnerships, we are proud to announce our latest direct billing agreements with Sprint and T-Mobile USA."
payvia is part of m-Qube, the leading carrier billing transaction network, with a heritage that has seen nearly $2 billion paid out to merchants and developers. payvia's next generation carrier billing technology optimizes online, on-device and in-app purchases for digital goods and online services -- delivering more paying customers to merchants.
About payvia
payvia is a leading mobile and online payments company that allows consumers to make simple and secure payments via their mobile phone. By connecting directly to the carrier network, payvia enables consumers to pay for digital goods and services using their mobile phone, adding purchases directly to their carrier bill. Visit us at
payvia is headquartered in Los Angeles, with offices in Seattle and Boston. payvia is part of the m-Qube, Inc. group of companies and is backed by leading investors Silver Lake Sumeru, Montgomery & Co., and Trinity Ventures.
SOURCE payvia, Inc.