English: Looking south from Madison Avenue at Checker Cab standing in front of the Metropolitan Life North Building on a cloudy afternoon. Deutsch: Ein Checker Cab vor dem Metropolitan North Life Building in New York City. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Square has abruptly shut down Checker, a pilot service enabling New York City taxi passengers to more efficiently pay their fare via credit card.
In a letter to New York's Taxi and Limousine Commission obtained by The New York Post, Square told officials it plans to overhaul Checker in light of new rules designed to legislate credit card payments in cabs. The new TLC guidelines would allow any company in compliance to offer payment services in NYC taxis.
"Square has determined, in light of developments in prospective taxicab regulations in New York and other markets, and based on what we have learned conducting the pilot program to date, that we wish to pursue a different hardware and software solution," Square wrote.
Read more: Square abruptly halts NYC taxi payment system trial - FierceMobileContent http://www.fiercemobilecontent.com/story/square-abruptly-halts-nyc-taxi-payment-system-trial/2012-10-17#ixzz29ZgqYNMn
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In a letter to New York's Taxi and Limousine Commission obtained by The New York Post, Square told officials it plans to overhaul Checker in light of new rules designed to legislate credit card payments in cabs. The new TLC guidelines would allow any company in compliance to offer payment services in NYC taxis.
"Square has determined, in light of developments in prospective taxicab regulations in New York and other markets, and based on what we have learned conducting the pilot program to date, that we wish to pursue a different hardware and software solution," Square wrote.
For more:
- read this New York Post article
- read this New York Post article
Read more: Square abruptly halts NYC taxi payment system trial - FierceMobileContent http://www.fiercemobilecontent.com/story/square-abruptly-halts-nyc-taxi-payment-system-trial/2012-10-17#ixzz29ZgqYNMn
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