eWeek After receiving the $600 phone, she discovered that it may have been stolen by the person who sold it to her, but thankfully, she can fall back on PayPal's ...
Mobile phones become pocket banks in poor countries
Economic Times "We are currently moving from a trial to a full launch in paying the Afghan national police," said Roshan's head of mobile commerce, Zahir Jhoja.
Monitise's Lisa Stanton on How Mobile Is Changing the Payments Landscape
As the first employee for Moneitse America, Lisa is well versed in the company's unwritten rule of thumb: any consumer, any network, any mobile device. What's next for Monitise? Will improvements in NFC and mobile money transfers change the payments landscape? Find out in our exclusive interview.
Debit rules and other musings
Back in 1985, only a handful of banks and merchants in about a half-dozen states offered or supported POS debit card options. What a difference 30 years can make. Although data detailing consumer usage in 2009 is not yet available, everyone now agrees that growth in debit card usage is a dominant trend. Read entire story
UBS to deploy IBM secure banking USB device
NetworkWorld.com ... said Avivah Litan, a vice president at Gartner. As criminals have found ways to defeat strong authentication methods such as one-time passwords,
Is Google the Next Microsoft and Microsoft the Next Apple?
This past week, two rather interesting events got me thinking about how Apple, Google and Microsoft seem to be changing places. Microsoft announced Windows Phone Series 7, and Google announced Buzz (also known as "Buzz Kill") into the market. Microsoft kind of pulled an Apple with this, in that it stepped away from the field and created something distinctly different and potentially more capable.
Silicon Valley startup economy shifts into higher gear Just when it seemed America was emerging from the recession, Wall Street swooned again as January segued into February. But Silicon Valley's startup economy shifted into a higher gear. Read article »
Credit Cards Cornering the Market for Online Purchases? Think Again!
EcommerceJunkie.com (blog) “Prepaid and gift cards are hitting stride in the online payments environment,” says Javelin analyst Elizabeth Robertson. Why is this, you ask? ...
Marketing to the Ubiquitous Cellphone
E-Commerce Times M-commerce has been slow to gain traction, but that's likely to change very soon. Opt-in plans that give loyal customers special attention can have handsome ...
UBS has become the first bank to roll out IBM's Zone Trusted Information Channel (ZTIC) online banking security hardware to its customers. More on this story: http://www.finextra.com/news/fullstory.aspx?newsitemid=21118
Payments Friction
Wired Magazine has published an article titled "From Credit Card to PayPal: 3 Ways to Move Money" that graphically depicts the payments process for a) credit cards, b) iTunes and c) PayPal. Can you guess who's most "frictionless" - according to Wired?
A Look at Global eCommerce and Declining Fraud Rates
CyberSource reports that its 11th Annual Online Fraud Report shows that among U.S./Canadian merchants accepting international orders, 21% of their online orders came from abroad, up from 17% the year before and 8% in 2005. According to the company, "this steady growth is supported by dramatic progress in meeting the increased fraud challenge of international orders, with 50% lower fraud rates and 30% lower order rejection rates."
Shopping and Search Merge: Google Shopper to Exponentially Grow M-Commerce
TMC Net By TMCnet Special Guest “Google (News - Alert) Shopper,” a mobile application from the proprietors of nearly everyone's favorite search engine,